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"please note that all the times on the Conference Program are Paris local time"


Lien jeudi 19 novembre: 11h Paris


Sujet : Hospitalities, hostilities conference, Université Grenoble Alpes, IDEX HOMES/ILCEA4

Heure : 19 nov. 2020 11:00 AM Paris


ID de réunion : 935 9960 1466

Code secret : 531833


Lien vendredi 20 novembre : 9h30 Paris


Sujet : Hospitalities, hostilities conference, Université Grenoble Alpes, IDEX HOMES/ILCEA4

Heure : 20 nov. 2020 09:30 AM Paris


ID de réunion : 975 9972 1461

Code secret : 592252



Please note that Emiel Martens’ films Gifts from Babylon (2018) and Welcome to the Smiling Coast (2016) will be accessible from Wednesday, November 17 to Friday, November 20th and that a Q&A session is scheduled online on Thursday 19 November at 7:00 PM Paris.


The links to access the conference and the films will be sent to you in due time. You can also find all the information on our blog:




Thursday 19 November 2020

Opening session:


11:00 am: Saugata Bhaduri (JNU, New Delhi, India) ‘Hospitalities, hostilities’: from theory to practice. Respondants : Marie Mianowski & Maëlle Jeanniard du Dot (Université Grenoble Alpes)


Coffee break


12 :00 noon

Keynote : Perla Serfaty (Université de Montréal)


1:00 pm lunch break


2:00 pm-3:30pm:


Chair: Yann Echinard (Université Grenoble Alpes)

  • Kristen Boon (Seton Hall, NJ, USA) ‘Hosts states in international law’

  • Joan Stavo-Debauge (Université de Lausanne, EHESS) ‘De l’hospitalité comme d’une qualité des environnements et des infrastructures : Bruxelles et Genève sous l’œil de nouveaux venus précaires’

  • Clément Luccioni (doctorant en urbanisme au Lab’urba (Université Paris-Est) et à l’Université Hafen City de Hambourg) “Open your home to a refugee!” – Exploring local hosting initiatives to
    help question the conceptual relation between migration and hospitality.

  • Jimy Boulos, «Droit d’asile : interprétariat et enjeux géopolitiques des pays anglophones », interpreter (CADAS, retention centres)


4:00 pm:  Conversation with Hari Kunzru, writer, United Kingdom/United States by Maëlle Jeanniard du Dot


Chair : Nathalie Sebbane (Sorbonne Nouvelle)


5 :00 pm: Etienne Ciapin (Université Toulouse Le Mirail) ‘Luttes de légitimités autour de l’(in)hospitalité : la crise de l’accueil aux frontières gréco-turques en temps de pandémie comme moment critique ?’


5:40 pm: Jessica Small (doctorante ILCEA4) ‘Dismantling “hospitality”: literary representations of EU asylum policy in Dina Nayeri’s Refuge’


7:00 pm: Q&A session with Emiel Martens (University of Amsterdam) producer, and Christopher 'Tijan' Smith, lead actor in Gifts from Babylon (2018)


The Q&A will also be joined by Christopher ‘Tijan’ Smith, the lead actor of Gifts from Babylon. Since he played the role of an irregular migrant in the film, the Gambian radio host, scriptwriter and actor (30) has requested asylum in the Netherlands and is currently living in an asylum seekers centre in the Dutch city of Assen.



Friday 20 November 2020

Chair: Maëlle Jeanniard du Dot (Université Grenoble Alpes)


9:30 am: Marion Bourdeau (Université Lyon 3) ‘Colliding hospitalities, transformative hostilities in From A Low and Quiet Sea (Donal Ryan, 2018)’


9:50 am: Léa Sinoimeri (Université de Paris) ‘Monolingualism and language depropriation in Oona Frawley’s Flight’


10:20 am: Anne-Sophie Letessier (Université de Saint Etienne) ‘In Place / Out of Place: Hospitalities and Hostilities in Michael Crummey’s Galore (2011)’


11:00 am: coffee break


11:30 am: Claire Omhovere (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3) ‘Guests, Hosts and Predators: Deviant Hospitality in Katherena Vermette’s The Break’


11:50 am:  Natacha Lasorak (doctorante ENS) ‘Hosting and homemaking in Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance (1995)’


12:15 noon Keynote: Ruth Gilligan (writer, University of Birmingham) 'A Hundred Thousand Welcomes: New Irish, Same Old Ireland' , introduction by Marie Mianowski


1pm lunch break


Chair: Christine Vandamme (Université Grenoble Alpes)


2:00 pm: Valérie Morisson (Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté) ‘Strategies for connectedness: interweaving narratives and images on migration in contemporary visual art.’


2:20 pm: Geneviève Guetemme (Université d’Orléans) ‘Migrant children as photographic subjects: images of a non-hospitable but charitable world’


2:40 pm: Virginia Sherman (docteure ILCEA 4, Université Grenoble Alpes) ‘Hospitality and Hostility: confronting the invisible in the ‘transparency’ of food narratives’


Coffee break


3 :30 pm: Aysegül Cankat (ENSAG, Université Grenoble Alpes) ‘Explorer les possibilités de l’hospitalité pour déconstruire les conditions de l’hostilité’

3:50 pm: Sylvie Nail et Françoise Tusques (Université de Nantes) ‘Exploring hospitalities and hostilities through an interdisciplinary corpus approach on the Commonwealth with 3rd-year undergraduate students’


4:15 pm: Forum Conclusion of the conference - sharing future collaborations and project



Link to ILCEA4 website:

Past events


15th October, 4:30pm

Webinaire on Zoom



24th September, 4:30pm

Amphi 5 Bâtiment Stendhal

Université Grenoble Alpes 


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4th March, 1:30pm

Salle Jacques Cartier, MDL

 Université Grenoble Alpes

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24th January, 2:00pm

Salle Jacques Cartier, MDL

Université Grenoble Alpes




21st November, 5:00pm

Salle G209  Bâtiment Stendhal 

Université Grenoble Alpes


affiche 17_10.jpg

17th October 2019, 4:30pm

Salle Jacques Cartier, MDL

 Université Grenoble Alpes 

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