
Dr Pradipta MUKHERJEE, Dr Debasish LAHIRI and Pr Christine Vandamme at the Conference of Thursday October, 17.
Thank you all for having allowed to take this picture
Dr Debasish LAHIRI
Profesor in English Literature at Lal Baba College, under the University of Calcutta
‘Grist to the mill or grit in your teeth: theory and experience in Diaspora’
My comments in this presentation shall be referenced upon the volume of essays edited by Pradipta Mukherjee and Sajal Kumar Bhattacharya, Diasporic Dilemma: Exile, Alienation and Belonging (2015). I shall in the main talk about the theoretical props upon which the editors set this volume and my views upon academic reductions of lived experience. Further, I shall try to look at certain uncharted territories and overlooked trajectories in conceptions and generalisations on diasporic tendencies in South-Asia.
Debasish Lahiri teaches English literature at Lal Baba College, under the University of Calcutta. His writings on Postcolonial theory, Indian, African, Australian Poetry, and European Modernism have been published in international journals and anthologies of criticism.He has delivered Plenary Talks on Poetry at Amrita University, Coimbatore, OUCIP Hyderabad, Kuvempu University, Karnataka, Delhi University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Paris Nanterre and University of Paris 13 among others.
He has one co-edited book, Literary Transactions in a Globalized Context (2010), and one co-authored book, Tragic Survivals: From the Hellenic to the Postmodern (2017) to his credit.
Lahiri is an internationally acclaimed poet. His poems have been widely published in journals like The Journal of the Poetry Society of India, Muse-India, Indian Literature, Inkapture, The Poetry Salzburg Review, Weber: The Contemporary West, Six Seasons Review, Byword, The Punch Magazine and The French Literary Review among others; in French translation in Siècle 21, Europe, Recours au Poème & La Traductière; and in Portuguese in NERVO: Colectivo de Poesia.
His three books of poetry are: First Will & Testament (Writers Workshop, 2012), No Waiting like Departure (Authors Press, 2016) which was shortlisted as one of the five best collections of that year by Scroll & India Today, and the recently published Tinder Tender: Poems of Love & Loitering (Authors Press, 2018). A book of French translations of his selected poems, Paysage Sans Verbes, shall be published in autumn 2019 from APIC Éditions, Algiers.
His fourth book of poems in English, Poppies in the Post & Other Poems, shall be published from Authors Press, New Delhi in the winter of 2019.
Lahiri is currently on the editorial board of Gitanjali & Beyond (Scottish Centre for Tagore Studies). He is a reviewer and regular contributor to the ‘Life & Letters’ column of The Statesman newspaper.
Lahiri is the recipient of the Prix-du Merite, Naji Naaman Literary Prize 2019. He is an honorary member of Maison Naaman pour la Culture.
Assistant Professor in English, Vidyasagar College for Women,University of Calcutta
‘Of Home and Homelessness: Literature and Cinema of the South Asian Diaspora’
The talk shall focus on my co- edited anthology The Diasporic Dilemma: Exile, Alienation and Belonging.
In recent years Diaspora Studies had opened up in challenging new directions to offer new models for exploring and researching community. I will attempt to survey the multi- faceted context of 'new diaspora' along with socio- historical process mostly related to migrational politics, transnationalism and border- crossings. The emphasis will be on how diasporic communities are imgined, creatively represented and critiqued especially in literature and the cultural medium of cinema, particularly of the south Asian diaspora.
The talk will reflect and debate the realities of contemporary diasporas or identity formation in an age of cultural globalization. This I hope will open up new trajectories for discussing the fraught issues of home, homelessness and belonging.
Pradipta Mukherjee is a Film Critic and Assistant Profesor in the Department of English,Vidyasagar College for Women. She is Visiting Faculty in the Post Graduate Department of English Department, University of Calcutta. Mukherjee completed a UGC fuded research project on Dhakespearean Cinela and has been a member of the Regional Film Selection Board, Doordarsan Kendra Kolkata.
Her published works include two books as sole author_ Studies in John Fowles's The French Lieutenant's Woman and Shakespeare on the Celluloid: Global perpectives.
Her co- authored book with Debasish Lahiri is titled Tragic Survivals: From the Hellenic to the Postmodern. She has co- edited anthologies, The Diasporic Dilemma: Exile, Alienation and Belonging and Women's Education in India: Past Predicament and Future Perpectives.
Her articles on Cinema and Adaptation Studies have been widely published in national international journals. Her forthcoming book Fluid Frame: Collected Essays on Cinema will be published by Authors Press, New Delhi. Mukherjee has presented papers on Indian Cinema at several international conferences, notably, at the Adaptation Studies Conference at University of Amsterdam, at the IASPR Conference in Belgium, at the University of London, and at IIAS, Shimla.
As a member of SARI, she was invited for presentations in Indian Cinema at University of Paris 13 in June 2017 and 2018. She has delivered Plenary Talks at OUCIP, Hyderabad, Kuvempu University, Karnataka and recently O.P. Jindal Global University.