Nathalie Sebbane
Nathalie Sebbane is a senior lecturer at the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle, where she teaches British politics and Irish studies.
After completing her PhD on unmarried mothers in Ireland (1838-1937), she redirected her research more specifically on the Magdalene laundries. She has written a monograph on memorialisation and historicisation of the Magdalene Laundries that will be published by Peter Lang in 2021.
She specialises in Irish women’s history, Church-State collusion, institutional abuse, memory and issues of identities in Ireland’s new national narrative.
She is a member of the SOFEIR, and the scientific committee of the GIS EIRE.
Her recent publications include:
‘Counter Hegemonic Discourses on Institutional Abuse in Ireland’, in Agnès Maillot and Jennifer Bruen (eds.,), Non-Violent Resistance. Counter Discourse in Irish Culture (Bern: Peter Lang, 2018), 157-173.
La législation irlandaise en matière d’avortement : “An Irish solution to an Irish problem ? ”, in Brunet, Laurence et Guyard-Nedelec Alexandrine (eds.), Mon Corps, Mes Droits ! L’avortement menacé ? (Paris : Mare et Martin, 2018).
‘Un-remembered in life and death: funeral and burial practices in Ireland’s Magdalene laundries’ in Haughton, Miriam & Pine, Emilie (eds.), Legacies of the Magdalen Laundries: Commemoration, Gender and Systems of Abuse (Manchester: Manchester University Press, forthcoming 2021).