Saugata Bhaduri

Saugata Bhaduri is Professor of literature and cultural theory at the Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
In this introductory discussion, Professor Bhaduri discussed with us the move from theory to practice in the discussion of hospitality and hostility, including the role of ethics and the active part played by the guest in a situation of hospitality.
Professor Bhaduri has entertained numerous research interests over the years, spanning continents and centuries. He has produced talks and articles on the subjects of translation, popular culture, diasporic cultures and language. He was invited as a visiting scholar and professor in the United Kingdom, Germany and Poland notably. His latest book Polycoloniality: European Transactions with Bengal from the 13th to the 19th Century (2020) is published by Bloomsbury.
As for his book Polycoloniality, find the link for it from Bloomsbury's UK site below.
Interview conducted on 13/11/20 – Saugata Bhaduri, Marie Mianowski, Maëlle Jeanniard du Dot
Hari Kunzru

Born in London, Hari Kunzru is the author of the novels The Impressionist, Transmission, My Revolutions, Gods Without Men, and White Tears, as well as a short story collection, Noise and a novella, Memory Palace. His new novel Red Pill was published in September 2020. He is an honorary fellow of Wadham College Oxford, and has received fellowships from the Cullman Center at the New York Public Library, the Guggenheim Foundation and the American Academy in Berlin. He is the host of the podcast Into The Zone, which started in September from Pushkin Industries. He lives in New York City.
Hari Kunzru has agreed to grant us an interview for the Hospitalities, Hostilities conference. In light of his work and his lifelong commitment to the plight of refugees and exiled people, we discussed the importance of fiction in addressing hospitality, and the negotiations entailed by meeting the other.
Interview conducted on 30/10/20 – Hari Kunzru / Maëlle Jeanniard du Dot