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Prof. Claire Joubert:
Claire Joubert, Professor of English Literature at Université Paris 8 and director of the interdisciplinary research programme “Poétique de l’étranger”, conducts research on the theoretical and political effects of the diversity of languages, exploring the critical issues raised by linguistic difference in the history of discourses on language, literature and culture.
She has published on the epistemology of comparativism (Comparer l’étranger. Enjeux du comparatisme en littérature, with E. Baneth-Nouailhetas, 2006); the poetics of multilingualism (Samuel Beckett et le théâtre de l’étranger, with A. Bernadet, 2008); on postcoloniality and translation.
Recent work has engaged Indian literary history (Problèmes d’histoire littéraire indienne, with L. Zecchini, Revue de littérature comparée, special issue Oct-Dec. 2015), the genealogy of Global Studies, the history of Black Globalities, and the contemporary stakes of Orientalism and Muslim Globalities.
Latest publications include Le Postcolonial comparé : anglophonie, francophonie (ed., PUV, 2015), Critiques de l’anglais. Poétique et politique d’une langue mondialisée (Lambert-Lucas, 2015), and Penser la différence culturelle du colonial au mondial : une anthologie transculturelle (S. Contarini, C. Joubert and Jean-Marc Moura eds., Mimesis, 2019).
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